Bouncy Ball is the Source of All Goodness and Light <$BlogRSDURL$>

Bouncy Ball is the Source of All Goodness and Light

pure enlightenment

Sunday, January 09, 2005

"I can write, but what I know, is not worth writing"

Yeah, so I guess I will actually start working full-time on Monday. Yeah, yeah, I talked about starting about two weeks ago, but I haven't quite gone in for since before Christmas. I went in Friday, and got my review so now I get a computer and find a spot to work. I just have to get on a normal sleeping schedule.
So, sorry about all the confusion about when I was actually going to start working to all those that it truly offended.
Domino, Mothafuckas. Boyz N the Hood. THAT is the movie with Larry Fishburne. Crazy. He went by Larry, that shit's funny to me.
I bought The Neverending Story the other day, and I think I am going to watch it. I haven't seen that movie in a long time, and I remember it being rad, much like The Princess Bride.

This Boy is Exhausted - The Wrens
 Linkage  heaubeau's enlightment as of 4:13:00 AM