Bouncy Ball is the Source of All Goodness and Light <$BlogRSDURL$>

Bouncy Ball is the Source of All Goodness and Light

pure enlightenment

Monday, December 06, 2004

"I ain't no perfect man, I'm tryin to do the best that I can with what it is I have"

Well, well, well. Sooners are off to the Orange Bowl again. School is just about over. I have a take home final, and two open book, open note finals. Things are lookin' good.
I watched the Big 12 Championship at the bar, then Brad decided we should probably celebrate his birthday a little bit since it falls on the Monday of finals week. I definitely think there needs to be a followup however. After the game Clark, Brad and I decided to find a place for them to sing some Rat Pack. No one had ever been to a place called Don Quixote's. I always think Portland Avenue is farther west than it really is, but really you can't get far enough west on 23rd street to get out of what might be considered "the wrong side of the tracks." This place was in a strip mall of clubs with dress codes posted on big signs outside.

1. No Jerseys
2. No numbers on clothes
3. No baggy clothing
4. No gang clothes
5. No doo-rags
... and so on

When the paddy wagon is just posted up outside in the parking lot, you know you have gone to the high class part of town.
"Don't say that so loud, your window is down!"

Don Quixote's did not have these signs, because it was a karaoke honky-tonk. We were there for a bucket of beers and heard two songs that were not country and saw two people who were not white. They did decorate for Christmas though, hung nice multi-colored lights draping from the ceiling all over the bar. It reminded me of spending too much time in a trailer park. After making it back to the car and being happy to see all the rims still attached, we made our way back home and chalked up the trip as a learning experience that hopefully will not be repeated by friends and loved ones. I am still curious about the bar across the alley though. It was called the G Spot. Yes, I also laugh at fart jokes. Because they are funny.

Hopefully just a couple more weeks before I start to work full-time and only have class on Friday afternoons. That's when the big bucks start rollin' in, just like assistant manager at McDowell's.

Umi Says - Mos Def
 Linkage  heaubeau's enlightment as of 8:10:00 PM